Holding an academic degree for traditional sounding names academic fora is a sure way to a successful academic career. Of course, qualifications are not enough and given the high number of undergraduates, you need to prove your degrees by the practical experience. But, anyway, to be a LSE, or Princeton, or Harvard graduate is a good personal brading.
Directly related to this high interest for getting high degrees and acquire more qualification, there are some business interests too. Of course, not all those who are enrolled and finally get the degrees are able to face the pressures of the daily academic challences. Some are dropping, but for the others, who still insist to get the academic degree, if they have enough money, it is still a chance. And here, intervenes the business I mentioned. There are either individuals or specialized companies working for you, making your papers and doing the researches according to the academic standards required. Find them, pay them and the future is yours.
Hence, do not wander if you'll meet amazing successful graduates who, in fact, are hardly able to write a coherent one page essay about a very simple topic.